Our front desk is open 24 hours a day to check you in when you arrive, and answer any questions you may have during your stay. From here, you may also rent sports equipment, find our coffee station, and buy JumboCash cards that can be used as cash in various campus locations, including laundry.
Contact: (617) 627-3568
More information at https://conferences.tufts.edu/
During your stay with us, you may receive mail from the front desk of your residential hall. Unfortunately, we do not provide stamps but they can be bought at the Mayer Campus Center, which is about a 2-5 minute walk from most residence halls on campus. For more information, please visit your front desk.
Guests with a Tufts ID can rent a bike and helmet free of charge from the Tisch Library. We strongly encourage guests to wear a helmet, watch out for pedestrians, and use lights at night.
More information at https://tuftsbikes.com/how-it-works/
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